Off duty

Since 2018 I have returned to my old hobby as radio amateur. I was originally licensed in 1976 but family life and busy work schedule, kept me away from the hobby for almost 30 years. My callsign is SM0HEV,  or SM1HEV when I operated from my summer house on Gotland Island. I operate mostly in the HF bands using Morse telegraphy or various digital transmission modes. Most of the time I operate from my “radio quiet” remote location on Gotland – either “on-site” (left picture) or remote controlled. I also occasionally combine amateur radio with “off-grid” visits “in the wild” (rigth picture).

The hobby gives me lots of experience of the practical issues related to experimental research in radio communications – something I would recommend all serious students of the field.


Since 2021 I am the president of the national federation of radio amateurs, SSA (Sveriges Sändareamatörer)